25 Feb 2013

# 390 X-Iles - Dreamin'-No!

Side a: Dreamin'-No!
Side b: Indecision
USA 1980
This record is a little bit a mistery. The only information that i found is, that Dave “ Coco ” Chavez of Code of Honor was playing on this record. Cool record !



bristolboy said...

Dave Chavez, the bass player, grew up in the Bay Area. Dave was in the X-Isles in 1979. They played at a free show in Provo Park in Berkeley. They had several singers who acted out theatrical skits during the songs. They put out one single. Dave is also real sharp on a skateboard, he does competition skating

info from here


Davideomusic73 said...

great blog-it's so much appreciated-have a nice summer and best wishes from spain