Side a: 1.VICE CREEMS - No passion , 2.THE SPEEDOS - She's a rocker , 3.THE MAN EZEKE - Brixton reggae rock , 4.INTERMEZZO #1 , 5.PETER OUT & THE FADERS - Need you (oh yeah) , 6.THE ROBINS - Stuck on your own , 7.THE HAIRCUTS - Do remember L-L-Longwick , 8.WILD WILLY BARRETT - Nigel Pringle
Side b: 1.INTERMEZZO #2 , 2.CLUMSY - Help yourself , 3.ANAL SURGEONS - Wide boy , 4.SMIFFY - Ain't it good to be alive , 5.ABOTT - Roll me up , 6.INTERMEZZO # 3 , 7.KEN LIVERSAUGE - Gosseberry puss , 8.ROBERT & THE REMOULDS - L.A.G.O.C.O. , 9.REDWOOD - Just another weakend , 10. OUTRO
UK 1978
Superb local compilation from Aylesbury/UK. I own this record for many years now and i had a lot of fun to record this platter for this blog. It's really a great one and i enjoy every song on this record ! After 30 years, the compilation is now available on CD. Read more here.
I like the look of this so I'm having it! Thanks mate.
thank you........like youre stuff
I knew Ezeke, if you read this mate (which I very much doubt), what was that smell that used to filter into the laundromat?
Nice bass tho' bruv!
LU7 ....
can you re-up please
thanks a lot
re-up is done
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