Side a: Atomic gears in motion Side b: Plastic surgeon USA 1983 Aaargh! What a great record ! Lone release by this Amarillo or Fort Worth/Texas five piece combo. I haven't found more informations.
Side a: Make it the same
Side b: 1.Funnier than love , 2.Empty boulevards
USA 1980
Band from Rhode Island featuring John Linnel of " They Might be giants". Fine New Wave/Powerpop here on this record. Read more here.
Side a: The only time
Side b: Balance of power
NED 1982
Lone (?) single by this dutch band on the english "Clubland Records" (who bring us The Dunneau) label. I don't know much more.
Side a: No more shit for the kids Side b: Breakdown NEL/(ITA?) 1978 The record came out on Polydor in the Nederlands. But it was maybe an italien band. Do you know much more ? Side a is killer basic punk stomper. The b side is more hardrock. A fine record.
Side a: Pink Side b: Across the corner BEL 1980 First or second single by this belgium outfit. Side a is a good powerpop stomper while the b side is more lame white reggae. I haven't found more infos.
Side a: What can i do? Side b: Aspalt world/On the Fritz USA 1980 Lone release by this New Haven/CT based band. I don't know much more. Meet the band here.